Once you pay for the business our company does NOT have ongoing fees. However, if you wish to expand as your business grows, you can look at spending extra money on more marketing. No contracts and no overheads.
The bulk of the requirements include: answering potential customers, answering enquiries in your store, processing orders, and relisting products. When you get further into it, the complexity of the business does slightly increase. This is always in proportion to your comfort levels, experience, and competency at the discretion of your mentor who monitors your progress throughout.
The margins on each sale vary quite a bit but 20% to 50% is conservative estimate.
The mentor is accessible by email and you can book ahead for a phone call whenever you need help. If you require anything else you can contact customer service. We also have a chat window. We pride ourselves on our top customer service.
As our clients have paid money for the their listings, we’re unable to show them to potential clients out of respect for privacy. Their products are also top secret. If you’re interested to see what a store might look like, please check here.
We employ some of the world’s best importers that look for these HOT niche products. They bargain on prices with suppliers and analyse the supplier’s reliability and product quality. They also market test products to best ensure they fly off the shelf. We have a proven system that will allow you to outperform your competition.
The suppliers are factories and their business model is focused on production. They are extremely specialised in sourcing materials, machinery, research and development, and the complexities of human resources, workplace health and safety etc. They are simply not in the business of distribution and retailing. A good analogy is Coca-Cola™ who focuses on production and brand development, but completely outsources it’s retailing to operators as small as privately owned corner stores.
In our experience we find that successful operators are not interested in promoting competition which would only serve to potentially reduce their margins. We try to reassure clients that there are effectively unlimited niches and competition is avoided, however we do not generally solicit positive reviews from clients due to the conflicts of interest.
Once your stores makes $50,000 in sales you can become a VIP club member. Every year on the anniversary we will send you new HOT niche products allowing your store to grow bigger and better.
Our highly researched market-tested products are in high demand, but low supply. They sell fast and provide you with high profit margins.
A franchise is a business that gives the right to another person or business to sell goods or services using its name. It does this by providing the person or other business with a licence. The cost to buy a franchise is a massive amount upfront eg. $100,000 (plus) than monthly fees starting at $1500/month for advertising. Our Business costs are very low as we make money from Affiliate fees from the suppliers pockets.